Publicaties en veldverslagen

Over de jaren heen heeft de stichting al veel verschillende projecten gesteund en we vragen bij ieder project om een veldverslag. Een selectie van de resultaten daarvan staat hier.


Daan Laméris tijdens zijn veldwerk in Rwanda



Een aantal jaar hebben we sommige van de gehonoreerde projecten samengevat in een nieuwsbrief. Zie hieronder het resultaat:

Literatuur voortgekomen uit de leerstoel Jan Wolf (2000 – 2010)

  1. Camacho-Cruz Angélica., Mario González-Espinosa., Jan H. D. Wolf &. Bernardus H. J. de Jong. 2000. Germination and survival of tree species in disturbed forests of the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. Canadian Journal of Botany 78:1309-1318.
  2. Coppus, R., L. Endara A., M. Nonhebel, V. Mera, S. León-Yánez, S., P. Mena Vásconez, J. Wolf & R. Hofstede. 2001. El estado de salud de algunos páramos en el Ecuador: una metodología de campo. Pp. 219-240. En: Mena V., P., G. Medina & R. Hofstede (Eds.). Los páramos del Ecuador. Particularidades, problemas y perspectivas. Abya Yala/Proyecto Páramo. Quito. Ecuador.
  3. Wolf, J.H.D. & C.J.F. Konings. 2001.Epiphytic bromeliads: toward the sustainability of yiled from natural populations in the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. ETFRN News 32(01): 64-67
  4. Horvath, Anna, Ignacio J. March & Jan H. D. Wolf. 2001. Rodent diversity and landuse in Montebello, Chiapas, Mexico. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 36 (3):169-176.
  5. Guzman, Gaston, Miguel Angel Morón, Florencia Ramírez-Guillén & Jan H.D. Wolf. 2001. The known entomogenous species of Cordyceps and related genera, including their anamorphs, from Mexico with new records. Mycotaxon 78:115-125.
  6. Wolf, Jan H.D. (2001). Bedreiging en hoop voor epifytische bromelia’s in de Hooglanden van Chiapas. Ecologie en Ontwikkeling 9(6): 22-24.
  7. Wolf, Jan H.D. (2001) Juwelen in de Kroon. Vossiuspers UvA, Amsterdam 23 pagina’s. ISBN 90 5629 2161.
  8. Gómez-Peralta, M. & J.H.D. Wolf 2001. Commercial bryophyte harvesting in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve, Sierra Chincua, Michoacan, Mexico. The Bryologist 104(4): 517-521.
  9. Van Dunne, H.J.F. & J.H.D. Wolf. 2001. Experimental studies of non-vascular epiphyte colonization on artificial substrates in the tropics. Newsletter ICAN. Vol 7 (2): 2-4.
  10. Wolf, J.H.D. & C.J.F. Konings. 2001. Epiphytic bromeliads: toward the sustainability of yield from natural populations in the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. ETFRN News 32(01): 64-67
  11. Wolf, J.H.D & C.J.F. Konings. 2001. Toward the sustainable harvesting of epiphytic bromeliads: a pilot study from the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. Biological Conservation 101:23-31
  12. Hofstede Robert, Ruben Coppus, Patricio Mena Vásconez, Pool Segarra, Jan Wolf y Jan Sevink. 2002. El estado de conservación de los páramos de pajonal en el Ecuador.. Ecotropicos 15(1):3-18
  13. Van Dunné, Hein J.F. & Jan H.D. Wolf. 2002.Techniques for spatial data analysis in epiphyte ecology. Pp. 120-126. In: A. W. Mitchell, K. Secoy & T. Jackson (Eds.) The Global Canopy Handbook. Techniques of access and study in the forest roof. Global Canopy Programme. Oxford. UK.
  14. Wolf, Jan H.D. 2002. Toward a sustainable use of canopy epiphytes as a tool for conservation. Pp. 127-133. In: A. W. Mitchell, K. Secoy & T. Jackson (Eds.) The Global Canopy Handbook. Techniques of access and study in the forest roof. Global Canopy Programme. Oxford. UK.
  15. Jan H.D.Wolf & Cornelis J.F. Konings 2002. Sustainable harvesting of epiphytic bromeliads in the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico: a pilot study. Pp. 257-258. In: Patricia Shanley, Alan R. Pierce, Sarah A. Laird & Abraham Guillen (Eds.). Tapping the green market – certification & management of non-timber forest products. .Earthscan Ltd. London – Sterling, VA. (456 pages).
  16. Pickens, K.A, J.M. Affolter, H.Y. Wetzstein & J.H.D. Wolf. 2003. Enhanced seed germination and seedling growth of Tillandsia eizii in vitro. Hortscience 18: 101-104.
  17. Wolf, Jan H.D. & Alejandro Flamenco-S. 2003. Patterns in species richness and distribution of vascular epiphytes in Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Biogeography 30: 1689-1707.
  18. Wolf, Jan H. D. 2003 Diversidad y ecología de comunidades epifíticas en la Cordillera Central, Colombia. Pp.453-502. In: Thomas van der Hammen & Alice G. dos Santos (Eds.). Studies on tropical Andean Ecosystems 5. J. Cramer. Berlin-Stuttgart.
  19. Wolf, Jan H.D. (2005). The response of epiphytes to anthropogenic disturbance of pine-oak forests in the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. Forest Ecology and Management 212:376-393.
  20. Cascante-Marín, A., J. G. B. Oostermeijer, J. H. D. Wolf, and J. C. M. den Nijs (2005). Reproductive biology of the epiphytic bromeliad Werauhia gladioliflora in a premontane tropical forest. Plant Biology 7:203-209.
  21. Wolf, Jan H.D. & Alejandro Flamenco-S. (2005). Distribución y riqueza de epífitas de Chiapas. Pp. 127-162. In: Diversidad biológica en Chiapas (González-Espinosa M, Ramírez-Marcial N, Ruiz-Montoya L, eds). Plaza y Valdés S.A. de C.V. Mexico DF., Mexico.
  22. Wolf, Jan H.D. and A. Flamenco-S. (2006). Vascular epiphytes and their potential as a conservation tool in pine-oak forests of Chiapas, Mexico. In: Ecology and conservation of neotropical montane oak forests (Kappelle M, ed): Ecological Series (Vol. 185). Pp. 375-391. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
  23. Cascante-Marín, Alfredo, Jan H.D. Wolf, J. Gerard B. Oostermeijer, J.C.M. den Nijs, Oscar Sanahuja & Alejandro Durán-Apuy (2006) Epiphytic bromeliad communities in secondary and mature forest in a tropical premontane area. Basic an Applied Ecology 7:520-532.
  24. Pickens, K.A., Wolf, J., Affolter, J.M., & Wetzstein, H.Y. 2006. Adventitious bud development and regeneration in Tillandsia eizii. In vitro cellular & developmental biology-plant. 42:348-353.
  25. Benavides, Ana-Maria, Jan H.D. Wolf & Joost F. Duivenvoorden. 2006. Recovery and succession of epiphytes in upper Amazonian fallows. Journal of Tropical Ecology 22:705-717.
  26. Alfredo Cascante-Marín, Maaike de Jong, Ethan D. Borg, J. Gerard B. Oostermeijer, Jan H. D. Wolf, and Joannes C. M. den Nijs. 2006. Reproductive strategies and colonizing ability of two sympatric epiphytic bromeliads in a tropical premontane area. International Journal of Plant Sciences 167(6):1187–1195.
  27. Toledo-Aceves, T., and J.H.D. Wolf. 2008. Germination and establishment of the epiphyte Tillandsia eizii L.B. Smith in the canopy of a pine-oak forest in the Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. Biotropica 40(2): 246-250
  28. Cascante-Marín, Alfredo, Jan H.D. Wolf, J. Gerard B. Oostermeijer, and J.C.M. den Nijs. 2008. Establishment of epiphytic bromeliads in successional tropical premontane forests in Costa Rica. Biotropica 40(4): 441-448.
  29. Alfredo Cascante-Marín, Noemi von Meijenfeldt, Hanneke M. H. de Leeuw, Jan H. D. Wolf,  J. Gerard B. Oostermeijer and Joannes C. M. den Nijs. 2009. Dispersal limitation in epiphytic bromeliad communities in a Costa Rican fragmented montane landscape. Journal of Tropical Ecology 25:63-73.
  30. Wolf, Jan and Martijn Peters. 2008. Hanging gardens and sacred bromeliads in the rainforest biome. Eden. The Magazine Autumn 2008:12-13.
  31. Wolf, Jan . 2008. Kalakkad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve (KMTR), a treasure in the eye of the beholder. Agasthya 2 (2): 4.
  32. Wolf, J.H.D., S.R. Gradstein, N.M. Nadkarni. 2009. A protocol for sampling of vascular epiphyte richness and abundance. Journal of Tropical Ecology 25:107-121.
  33. Alfredo Cascante Marín, Jan H. D. Wolf, J. Gerard B. Oostermeijer. 2009. Wasp florivory decreases reproductive success in an epiphytic bromeliad. Plant Biology 203(1):149-153.
  34. Hsu, Rebecca and Jan H. D. Wolf. 2009. Diversity and phytogeography of vascular epiphytes in a tropical-subtropical transition island, Taiwan. Flora 204: 612-627.
  35. Jan Wolf. 2009. Caramba, waar komen al die dennen vandaan? Deel I. Blijdenstein Nieuws 23:10-12.
  36. Jan H.D. Wolf & Dorian Ruiz Penagos. 2010. Magnolia wolfii, its discovery and conservation. Magnolia 87:14-19.
  37. Wolf, Jan H.D. in press. Embracing epiphytes in sustainable forest management: a pilot study from the Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. In: Tropical montane cloud forests (Scatena et al., eds.). Hawaii: University of Hawaii.
  38. Higuera, D. and J.H.D. Wolf. in press Vascular epiphytes in dry oak forests show resilience to anthropogenic disturbance, Cordillera Oriental, Colombia. Caldasia 0000
  39. Jan Wolf. in press. Caramba, waar komen al die dennen vandaan? Deel II. Blijdenstein Nieuws
  40. Lucas Molleman, Sil Boeve, Jan Wolf, Gerard Oostermeijer, Soubadra Devy and Rengaian Ganesan. submitted. Commercial harvesting and regeneration of epiphytic macrolichen communities in the Western Ghats, India. Biodiversity and Conservation


  1. Chanona Gómez Freddy & Jan H. D. Wolf. 2000. Ecología de líquenes corticícolas en el municipio de Ocozocuatla, Chiapas. VII Congreso Nacional de Micología; Querétaro, México.
  2. Kimberly A. Pickens, Jan H.D. Wolf , James M. Affolter, & Hazel Y. Wetzstein. 2000. In Vitro Propagation of the Ornamental Bromeliad, Tillandsia eizii. HortScience 35(3):447.
  3. Cascante Marin, Alfredo, Gerard Oostermeijer, Jan Wolf & Hans den Nijs. 2002. ¿La morfología floral y el comportamiento de floración en comunidades de bromelias epifitas difieren durante la sucesión secundaria?
    Libro de resumes Octavo Congreso Latinoamericano y segundo Colombiano de Botanica. Cartagena, Colombia. Pg. 283. Rangel-Ch., O., J. Aguirre-C & M. Gonzalo Andrade-C. (Eds.). Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota.
  4. Cascante A, Oostermeijer G, Wolf J & den Nijs H. (2003). Germination and early establishment of epiphytic bromeliads in successional habitats in a premontane forest in Costa Rica.  Proceedings of the “Biotic interactions in the tropics” symposium at University of Aberdeen, 7-10 July. Organized by the British Ecological Society and the Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation.
  5. Cascante A, Oostermeijer G, Wolf J & den Nijs H. (2003). Effect of phytophagous insects on the reproduction of epiphytic bromeliads in secondary forest. Proceedings of the “Biotic interactions in the tropics” symposium at University of Aberdeen, 7-10 July. Organized by the British Ecological Society and the Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation
  6. Wolf, J.H.D. 2005 The response of epiphytes to anthropogenic disturbance of pine-oak forests in the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. Proceedings 4th International Canopy Conference “Tropical versus Temperate Forests”, 10 – 17 July 2005 in Leipzig, Germany. University of Leipzig. Merkur – Druck- und Kopierzentrum GmbH, Leipzig (166 pp.) Page 11.
  7. M.A. de Jong, E.D. Borg, A.M. Cascante-Marin, J.G.B. Oostermeijer and J.H.D. Wolf. 2005. Seed dispersal of epiphytic Bromeliads (Tillandsioideae) in Costa Rica. Proceedings 4th International Canopy Conference “Tropical versus Temperate Forests”, 10 – 17 July 2005 in Leipzig, Germany. University of Leipzig. Merkur – Druck- und Kopierzentrum GmbH, Leipzig (166 pp.) Page 57.
  8. A.M. Benavides, J.H.D. Wolf & J.F. Duivenvoorden. 2005. Epiphyte succession in young secondary Amazonian forests. Proceedings 4th International Canopy Conference “Tropical versus Temperate Forests”, 10 – 17 July 2005 in Leipzig, Germany. University of Leipzig. Merkur – Druck- und Kopierzentrum GmbH, Leipzig (166 pp.) Page 116.
  9. Carvalhaes, M.A. & Wolf, J.H.D. 2005. Epiphytic bromeliads in anthropogenic disturbed Tabebuia cassinoides (caixeta) forests, Iguape, Brazil. Proceedings The 2005 Meeting of The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. Uberlândia, Brazil “Frontiers in Tropical Biology and Conservation”. Page 137.
  10. Jan H.D. Wolf, Paul Romeijn and Hans F.M. Vester. 2006. Toward the sustainable use of canopy biodiversity for forest conservation and poverty reduction – lessons learned from Chiapas, Mexico. Proceedings The Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Kunming, China. Page 83.
  11. Wolf, Jan H.D. 2006. Remnant large ‘rescue’ trees enhance epiphyte resilience to anthropogenic disturbance of pine-oak forests in the Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. Proceedings The Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Kunming, China. Page 135.
  12. Alfredo Cascante-Marín, Jan H.D. Wolf, J. Gerard B. Oostermeijer, Hans den Nijs. 2006. The influence of seed-dispersal on the composition of epiphyte plant communities. Proceedings The Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Kunming, China. Page 137.
  13. Alfredo Cascante Marín, Jan Wolf, Gerard Oostermeijer, Hans den Nijs. 2006. Estructura genética de bromelias epífitas en parches sucesionales de habitat fragmentados en bosques tropicales premontanos. Proceedings Congreso Mexicana de Ecología 2006, Morelia, Mexico.
  14. Wolf, Jan H.D., Gerhard Zotz. 2009. Trees as islands – biogeography of epiphytes on trees. Proceedings 5th International Canopy Conference, Bangalore, India. Page 102.
  15. Ganesan, R., Jan H.D. Wolf. 2009 Sustainable use of forests canopies and conservation. Proceedings 5th International Canopy Conference, Bangalore, India. Page 128.
  16. Molleman, Lucas, Sil Boeve, Jan Wolf, Gerard Oostermeijer, Soubadra Devy, Rengaian Ganesan. 2009. Harvest and regeneration of epiphytic macrolichens in the Western Ghats, India. Proceedings 5th International Canopy Conference, Bangalore, India. Page 132-133.
  17. Benavides, Ana Maria, Jan Wolf, Joost Duivenvoorden. 2009. Gap recruitment of hemi-epiphytic aroids in lowland Amazonian rain forest. Proceedings 5th International Canopy Conference, Bangalore, India. Page 176.
  18. Cascante-Marin, Alfredo. 2009. Dispersal limitation in epiphytic bromeliad communities. Proceedings 5th International Canopy Conference, Bangalore, India. Page 103.
  19. Rebecca Hsu (Chia-Chun). 2009. Simulations of climate change impacts on epiphyte communities in Taiwan. Proceedings 5th International Canopy Conference, Bangalore, India. Page 111.