We werken aan een overzicht van de publicaties die zijn voortgekomen uit onderzoek dat mede gefinancierd is door Stichting het Kronendak, in een vorm waarin het makkelijker zoeken is op jaar, auteur, etc. Het eerste deel van dit overzicht is hier te vinden:
Auteurs | Jaar | Titel | Publicatie type | Journal |
Arlandis Lluch, D. J. | 1995 | The development of a canopy model for a mediterranean forest | MSc Thesis | WAU Ecological agriculture |
Meer, P.J. Van der | 1995 | Canopy dynamics of a tropical rain forest in French Guiana | PhD Thesis | LUW |
Verhoeven, K en Beckers, G. | 1997 | Duurzame landbouw in de bomen | artikel | Mens en Wetenschap 24(4); 262-265 |
Sterck, F. | 1997 | Trees and light | PhD Thesis | LUW |
Valverde, P. | 1997 | The pioneer Canopy Farming Database | MSc Thesis | WAU Ecological agriculture |
Vester,H.F.M. &Cleef, A.M. | 1998 | Tree architecture and secondary tropical rain forest development; a case study in Araracuara, Colombian Amazonia | artikel | Flora 193: 75-97 |
Gradstein, S.R., Hietz, P., Lücking, R., Lücking, A, Sipman, H.J.M., Vester, H.F.M., Wolf, J.H.D. &Gardette, E. | 1996 | How to sample the epiphytic divertsity of tropical Rain Forests. | artikel | Ecotropica2: 59-72 |
Neugebauer, B., Oldeman, R.A.A. & Valverde, P. | 1996 | Key principles in ecological silviculture. | hoofdstuk | IFOAM: Fundamentals of organic agriculture |
Meer, P. van der, &Bongers, F. | 1996 | Patterns of tree-fall and branch-fall in a tropical rain forest in French Guiana. | artikel | Journal of ecology 84: 19-29 |
Vester,H.F.M. & Poncy, O. | 1995 | Inga megaphylla (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae), a new species from Western Amazonia (Colombia, Peru), with comments on architectural features unusual in the genus Inga | artikel | Novon 5: 384-387 |
Vester, H.F.M. & Oldeman, R.A.A. | 1995 | tropenbois Project on tree architecture and secondary forests in Araracuara, Colombia. | artikel | Information bulletin for developing countries IUFRO |
Vester, H.F.M. & Oldeman, R.A.A. | 1995 | Tree architecture and secondary forests in Araracuara. The use of a new methodology. | artikel | Tropenbos Newsletter 9: 5-8 |
Oldeman, R.A.A. | 1995 | Fine folds in tropical forest canopy architecture and their inhabitants | hoofdstuk | Lücking, R. Freiberg, M., Lücking, A., Freiberg, E. & Gottsberger, G. (eds.) Second international ESF-workshop on tropical canopy research: tropical forest canopies as an environment for arthropods and epiphytes with special reference to the phyllosphere. |
Stork, N. & Best, V. | 1994 | European science foundation - results of a survey of European Canopy research in the tropics. | artikel | Selbyana 15(2): 51-62 |
Oldeman, R.A.A. Et al. | 1994 | Het Krioelende Kronendak | artikel | Global Forest Magazine november 1994: 3-4. |
Bongers, F., Meer, P.J. Van der, Oldeman, R.A.A., Schalk, B. % Sterck, F.J. | 1990 | Levels of herbivory in a tropical rainforest Canopy in French Guyana. | hoofdstuk | Hallé, F. & Blanc, P (eds.): Biologie d'une canopée forêt equitoriale. Rapport de Mission Radeau des cime, octubre -Novembre 1989, Petis Saut, Guyane Francaise. |
Vester, H.F.M. | 1998 | Forest development as a basis for management; tree architecture and tree temperaments. | hoofdstuk | Guariguata, M.R. & Finigan, B. (eds.): Ecology and management of tropical secondary forest: science, people and policy. Catie, CiFor, WWF, GTZ, Turrialba, Costa Rica |
Jacobs, D. | 1999 | methode voor de realisatie van een premontaan kronendak-ecosysteem in een kleine ruimte | BSc Thesis | LUW ecological silviculture |
Valverde, P. | 1997 | Lichens, their ecological significance and practical applications | Literature review | LUW ecological agriculture |
Beckers, G.J.L., Verhoeven, K.J.F. &Salas, S. | 1996 | exploration and sustainable utilization of rainforest canopy biodiversity: development of the innovative canopy farming concept. | Proposal | Stichting Bioproca Selva Tica |
Wolf, J.H.D. | 2001 | Juwelen in de kroon | Inaugurele rede | Vosiuspers UVA |
Sandker, M.A.A.H. | 2001 | Evaluación del proyecto piloto de la vainilla en Quintana Roo, México. | WUR/ ECOSUR | |
Wolf, J.H.D. & Konings, C.J. F. | 2001 | Towards the sustainable harvesting of epiphytic bromeliads: a pilot study from the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. | artikel | Biological Conservation 101: 23-31 |
Hoogeland, C. & Leeuwen, M. Van | 2001 | Fruit dispersal during the high water period in teh Amazon flooded forest of Amacayacu NP, Colombia. | MSc thesis | UVA |
Janmaat, K.R.L. | 2001 | Travel leadership in wild Thomas langurs (Presbytis thomasi). Who wins the conflict? | MSc. Thesis | UVA |
Nezry, E, Yakam-Simen, F., Kippie K., T., Romeijn, P. | 2000 | Gedeo Zone Mapping project Phase 2 final rapport. | rapport | Treemail/ privateers/ Agricultural bureau for Gedeo zone |
Leenders, T. | 2000 | New Canopy Farming grids placed in 1999/2000 | rapport | Bioproca |
Poyck, M. & Hitman, L. | 2000 | Canadese kronendaken | rapport | |
Wolf, J.H.D. & Flamenco-S., A. | 2003 | Patterns in species richness and distribution of vascular epiphytes in Chiapas, Mexico | artikel | Journal of Biogeography 30: 1689-1707 |
Silvestri, M. | 2003 | Phyllosphere microfungal communities of shaded and sun-exposed coffee (Coffea arabica L.) in Monteverde, Costa Rica. | MSc. Thesis | UVA |
Nijman, V. | 2001 | Forest (and) Primates. Conservation and ecology of the endemic primates of Java and Borneo | PhD. Thesis | UVA/ TropenbosKalimantan series. |
Reinoud, J. | 1990 | Hoof in dekruinen van het regenwoud | artikel | EOS magazin 7(4): 6-11 |
Bongers, F., Sterck, F.J. | 1991 | Kroonjuwelen | manuscript | Natuur en techniek 59(8): 576-589 |
Echeverri, A. | 1993 | Dinámica de la arquitectura en bosques secundarios; Análisis arquitectural de Miconia poeppigii y Miconia prasina (Melastomataceae). | rapport | Internal rapport Tropenbos Colombia 16 pp |
Echeverri, A. | 1993 | Formas de crecimiento, producción de hojas y distribución de palmas y Phanakospermum guianense en una cronosequencia sobre terrazas bajas del río Caquetá en la Amazonia Colombiana | Thesis | Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin |
Hees, I & Meel, S. van | 1993 | Tree architecture and development of Miconia poeppigii and Clathrotropis macrocarpa Colombian Amazone | MSc Thesis | Hugo de Vries laboratory, University of Amsterdam. Internal rapport 294 63 pp |
Jorritsma, M. | 1994 | Light climate characteristics of tropical secondary and mature forest. | Thesis | WAU dept forestry (AV94-09) & Hogo de Vries laboratory, University of Amsterdam 73 pp |
Leersnijder, R.P | 1994 | Ontwerp van een simulatiemodel voor de architectuur en ontwikkeling van bomen in het tropisch regenwoud onder invloed van licht | rapport | Intern rapprt SHK |
Meer, P.J. & Sterck, F.J. | 1994 | Kronendak onderzoek in Frans Guyana | artikel | Global Forest Magazine november 1994: 16-17 |
Oldeman, R.A.A. | 1994 | Stichting Het Kronendak. Eeen kort historisch overzicht. | artikel | Global Forest Magazine november 1994: 6-15 |
Willemse, H.J.P. | 1994 | Een tropisch regenwoud in Nederland. Studie naar de technische haalbaarheid van een kronendakhuis in Nederland met speciale aandacht voor functioneel ontwerp en bouwfysica. | Scriptie | WAU agrotechniek & fysica 118 p. + 29 bijlagen |
Arlandis Lluch, D.J. | 1995 | The development of a canopy model for a mediterranean forest | MSc Thesis | WAU Ecological agriculture |
Meer, P.J. Van der, Bongers, F., Chatrou, L & Riera, B. | 1994 | Defining canopy gaps in a tropical rain forest: effects on gap size and turnover time | artikel | Acta Oecologica 15(6): 701-714 |
Oldeman, R.A.A. & Vester, H.F.M. | 1995 | Tree architecture , strange attractors and fuzzy logic. | abstract | Abstracts Third International colloquium "The Tree", Montpellier, 11-15 Sept. 1995 |
Vester, H.F.M. | 1997 | The trees and the forest. The role of treearchitecture in canopy development; a caase study in secondary forests (Araracuara Colombia). | PhD Thesis | Univertsity of Amsterdam 180 pp. |
Verhoeven, K.J.F. | 1998 | Ontwerp voor een in vitro kronendak-leefgemeenschap in het reptilion | rapport | Stichting Bioproca 52 pp. |
Jacobs, D. | 1998 | Evaluatie van een studiereis naar Costa Rica | rapport | |
Vries, H.J.D. | 1999 | Methods for study of rainforest canopy. | rapport | Technical visit rapport, Araracuara Colombia 13-15 |
Verhoeven, K.J.F. & Beckers, G.J.L. | 1999 | Canopy farming: an innovative stratigy for the sustainable use of rain forests | artikel | Selbyana 20(1): 191-193 |
Leenders, T. | 2000 | Canopy Farming(c) research and development at the Rara Avis rain forest site, Sarapiqui, Costa Rica. A joint Bioproca - Rara Avis initiative. | rapport | internal rapport 8 pp + 2 appendices |
Nijman, V. | 2000 | geogrphic distribution of ebony leaf monkey Trachypithicus auratus, Indonesia | artikel | Contiributions to Zoology 69(3): 157-177 |
Nijman, V. | 2000 | Effects of behavioural changes due to habitat disturbance on density estimation of rain forest vertebrates, as ilustrated by gibbons (Primates: Hylobatidae) | rapport | UvA population biology 9pp + 1 appenix |
Camacho - Cruz, A., Goonzalez - Espinosa, M., Wolf, J.H.D. & de Jong, B.H.J. | 2000 | Germination and survival of tree species in disturbed forests of the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico | artikel | Canadian Journal of Botany 78: 1309-1318 |
Dunne, H.J.F. & Wolf, J.H.D. | 2001 | Experimental studies of non- vascular epiphyte colonization on artificial substrates in the tropics | artikel | Newsletter ICAN 7(2): 2-4 |
Wolf, J.H.D. & Konings, C.J. F. | 2001 | Epiphytic bromeliads: towards the sustainability of yield from natural populations in the highlands of Ciapas, Mexico | artikel | ETFRN News 32(1): 64-67 |
Oldeman, R.A.A. | 2001 | Canopies in canopies in canopies | manuscript |